Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rain Rain Rain

Today's Ezekiel CWBS with Pastor Kong is tremendously amazing.

What a powerful message that Pastor has shared to the church!

Notes gw hari ini kyna equal dgn 3x notes gw kalo weekend services.

Uda gitu messagenya nyambung gitu ama kehidupan gw & Bible Study gw hari ini. hahahahahaha.


Anw gw bukan mo ceritain isi message nya di sini. wkwk..

Ini yg gw mo ceritain...........

Jadi ceritanya dari Jurong West ke Clementi MRT tinggal gw berdua ama Juju.

Jujunya stay di Clementi, so dia tinggal ngesot dari MRT sana.

Nah pas udah mo misah, dia nanya,

"Mau payung gak, Wang? Kayaknya bentar lagi ujan."

Gw ga bawa payung sih. But somehow gw nya gak pake mikir sok2 malu2 ngejawab,

"Ahahaha gpplah, rintik2 ini doanggg. Gak apa2 lah ini mahh.."

"Yakin? Oke deh klo gitu misah dulu. Dadaghh.."


Gw masih hepi-lalala sih soalnya rintik2nya cupu gitu. Paling kena kepala geli2 doang lol! Udah gitu pas liat papan info bus: "183 - Arr"

"Wets tuh kan arrived! HAHA mantep nih abis pulang gereja. Jadi kebanjiran blessings!" #wets

Gw pun berdiri dgn bahagia menanti 183 yang....ehem.......5 menit........ 10 menit..........gak dateng2 T.T

Sedihnya hati ini bagai diiris2 belati >.<

Makin sedih lagi begitu liat ulang papan info bus: "183 - 15 min"


"Hah? Gw mabok ya td pas baca arrived?? Apa busnya yg invisible jd gw ga liat?" =.=

Yaudah, pulang2 gereja jangan marah2 toh. Duduk deh 15 menit. Selama 15 menit itu..... Ujannya makin deres!

"Bah gimana neh, bsk quiz nih God! Masa sih tega ngebiarin aku keujanan? Tar sakit loh, tar masuk angin loh.."

Gw diem beberapa menit.. Tiba2 keinget message Pastor Kong hari ini, prophesy prophesy prophesy! "Even to move mountains, God mentioned 'to prophesy' 3 times, but 'to pray' only once!" Ezekiel aja disuruh prophesy ke dry bones bisa jadi kenyataan. Apalagi ujan, ini kan harusnya jauh lbi simple!

Wah boleh juga.... Mulai deh gw....

"God, aku ga bawa payung. Dari belakang PGP ke kamar pasti harus lewatin tempat yg gak ada shelternya. Besok pagi aku ada quiz dan klo keujanan skrg bisa2 masuk angin. Lagian minggu depan udah final exam. This is really not the right time for me untuk keujanan atau fall sick. God knows God knows. Thus I prophesy to you: stop raining now!"

Nothing's happened......

"Stop raining now!"


"STOP raining NOW!"

5 seconds later...

Ujannya MAKIN DERAS! Even worse, skrg pake geledek2 segala! waaa serem banget =.=

I changed my mind.....

"Yauda deh, terserah mo stop raining atau gimana dah..." ---> mudah menyerah ya! @.@

Ujannya berhenti 5 seconds, hepi... Tapi langsung balik deres lagi! Lebih deres dari sebelomnya. Gw nengok2 ke kanan, org2 mulai ambil cab one by one. Gw ga mau naik cab, God. T.T

"Rain, even if you don't want to stop, it's okay. Even gw keujanan pun gpp deh. Yg penting gw ga sakit tar." ---> sok2 tabah pdhl pengennya sih ujannya berhenti....

183 pun datang..... Ujan tetep deres. Gw tetep ga mau ambil cab. Ga ada duit kecil men. Gw putusin naik 183 apapun consequencesnya! Udah prophesy2 juga kan. Gampang lah tar klo makin deres, bisa nebeng payung orang atau telpon Jaslyn minta dijemput di bus stop belakang (agak ga enak sih, tp gw bener2 ga mikir panjang wkt itu. Kalo Jaslyn nya udah tidur & ga ada org turun di belakang PGP, gmn hayo?)

Udah naik bus... ehhh,, JADI GA UJAN sama sekali loh dari Singapore Poly sonoan... Sama sekali.

Praise God!

Begitu nyampe di belakang PGP, gw jalannya udah sambil ngedongak ke langit, "mana neh ujannya?"


God taught me a very very important lesson today.

Sometimes we do hope and pray for something in our life.

But it seemed like God does not listen. Nothing's happened!

That is exactly the reason why some people give up their faith and choose not to believe in Him anymore.

Klo gw ga sabar nunggu 183 nya, gw pasti udah kecewa pas "Arrived" nya berubah jadi "15 min". Similarly, if I gave up to believe that God would answer my 'stop raining' prayer, I surely would end up taking cab back to PGP. Emang ada 'jaminan' ga bakal keujanan sih, but I believe on the way to PGP I would regret my decision very much! It wasn't raining at all in PGP. Taking bus back to PGP is really ngetes mental, men..

Today, He reminded me, my prayer and my confession for a breakthrough in my study might not result immediately. Like the rain just now, it did not stop! But it was me who was changed. It was me whose faith was built because of every single confession I did. By the prayers of my family members and friends, I'm getting stronger to face anything. For I know, He listens and prepares the best solution for all my problems.

I don't care how many times I have fallen down! 5? 6? God told me to get up for the 7th times! Yes, maybe it's the time for the miracle! How long have I been waiting for a breakthrough? 1 year? 2 years? Maybe during the 3rd year I'll get it! Kalo Abraham nungguin janji Tuhan dengan berkeluh kesah tiap tahun, bisa2 dia tewas di tahun ke-24 karena serangan jantung

Don't stop believinggg.. #nyanyilaguglee

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