Just now I have reviewed my Goal Setting for this year, year 2011.
I was a bit sad looking at it.
I didn't follow most of them.
Regarding my health (sleep at most at 1am, sleep for 7-8 hours a day), my study (i aimed at least B+ for all my core modules and get at least 1 A), my emotional (don't being emo & stop crying).......hhmmmmm.... T.T
God, what then should I do?
I put my goals as high as possible, as if I can reach them by myself -NO!
I cannot reach them at all. At all.
I lift up my hands, and what I can see are Your hands, reaching the goals for me, and bring them into my hands. Oh God, what a wish..
These 2 days, I felt a bit guilty for asking You so many many things.
My CA results (not good, but it's ok God. Time to do better next time), my midterm results (really not good, but it's ok God. Just give what You think is the best), LAC2201 Test 3 next week, LAC2201 Oral Exam next week, LSM2103 CA 2 next week, LSM2203 (CA + Practical Exam) next week, my summer programme deadline, my 'informal interview' with my professor YFM (because I asked her to be my referee for summer programme application), my exchange module mapping (10 modules) deadline, SS essay deadline, lab report deadline..................I almost reach my dead line, I think. Hahahaha..
God, are you getting tired with all of my prayers?
Am I too self-centered in all of my prayers?
Yeah, I too feel that, especially when reviewing my Goal Setting.
I promised I'd pray for 1 particular person for 1 month. Pray everything for him/her, but then these 2 months I ended up praying all for me, I, and myself :( I am sorry, God. I also promised I'd pray everyday for my family member. But then, I was also too busy with my prayer lists. I am so sorry, God. Thank You for touching my heart, I want to change my mindset from now on. Keep praying for others, don't only pray for myself. Do all of my tasks faithfully. With the long to-do-list, I believe God will give me strength to do all of them excellently, for God wants me to excel in my study, to bless others. Really God. I am longing to share all of Your miracles in my study to others. This semester I'm gonna reach the best!!!!!!
To-do-list for today:
- Finish SSS1207 Essay -> submit to IVLE
- Meet up with my Professor, get approval from her, consult my study with her
- Go to YIH to get my official transcript
- Finish my Summer Programme application
- Pray for my Summer Programme application
- Finish Lab Report LSM2203 for Water and Soil Microbiology
- Review & make notes for LSM2203 Practical (prepare for CA next week)
- Prepare for LSM2103 Review on the following day
Gonna be a long day. A long long day with full of God's miracles!!
C. L.